At the end of it all, it's all about the people you work with, those who help you grow and become a better person.
After speaking with so many people in the last few weeks due to the significant layoffs in the technology industry - the one thing I try to encourage people to optimize for in their next role is the people, the team 👥
At the end of the day, when you look back on your life and work, it’s the people you worked with that are the one thing you’ll truly remember and appreciate. The most meaningful relationships I’ve formed over the years aren’t because of what was built or even what was (or wasn’t) achieved, but who I built it with and how they helped me grow.It is always the people who bring your work to life, and bring life to your work. The relationships you form, the memories you share and how life just happens along the way that end up mattering the most.While technology changes, products change, jobs change - the people I’ve worked with have stayed with me, made me a better person and a more open one.
They are the ones who provided support and encouragement during tough times, who took a chance on me, who gave me laughter during stressful days, and were the ones who celebrate successes and grew as I did.When it comes down to it, having worked at startups and large companies, the one thing that is constant is the people who are relentlessly helping you become a better person. I didn’t always realize it at the time, but as you grow and time moves on - it’s the thing that matters most.
No matter what your next role is - speak to lots of people in the company before making a decision to join it. Although it might make the search harder, and more stressful - if you find your people, you’ll find yourself looking back smiling in the years ahead and it will add a lot more meaning to your life and your work.